Below are links to some fantastic coaching resources:
Click HERE to see the current coaching requirements on the Hockey Alberta Website
One Team Official PER 10 PLAYERS will need to complete Coach 1- Intro to Coach
ALL team officials will need to complete Respect in Sport - Coach
ONE team official PER 10 PLAYERS will need to complete HSAFETY (online only)
ONE head coach will need to complete Coach 1 - Intro to Coach
ALL team officials will need to complete Respect in Sport- Coach
ONE team official will need to complete HSAFETY (online only)
HEAD coach will need to complete Coach 2 - Coach Level "Trained"
HEAD coach will need to complete Checking Skills
ALL team officials will need to complete Respect in Sport- Coach
ONE team official will need to complete HSAFETY (online only)
HEAD coach completes Coach 2- Coach Level "Trained"
HEAD coach completes Instructional Stream- Checking Skills
ALL team officials complete Respect in Sport- Coach
ONE team official completes HSAFETY (online only)
HEAD coach completes Coach 2- Coach Level "Trained"
HEAD coach completes Instructional Stream- Checking Skills
ALL team officials complete Respect in Sport Coach
ONE team official completes HSAFETY (online only)
HEAD coach completes Coach 2- Coach Level "Trained"
HEAD Coach completes Instructional Stream- Checking Skills
ALL team officials complete Respect in Sport - Coach
ONE team official completes HSAFETY (online only)
Click Here to go to Hockey Alberta
Concussion Information For Coaches and Managers
Responding to Bullying, Harassment and Abuse
Practice Plan Template (Printable)
Hockey Rink Diagram (Printable)
Hockey Canada Drills & Downloads
FREE Ice Hockey Drills for Hockey Coaches
Skill Camp Ice Plans
Advanced Skills Camp Drills
Warm Up Exercises (Stretching)